contemporary painter

Known for his vibrant and expressive abstract paintings featuring an explosion of color and subtle representational elements, TNT was born in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam and graduated from the city’s University of Fine Arts.

His acrylic paintings on canvas merge traditional Vietnamese techniques, influenced by the Indochina School from the French colonization, with contemporary Western styles, creating a distinctive visual language. Bold, explosive brushstrokes, vivid colors, and a pulsating sense of movement are hallmarks of his unique artwork.

TNT’s artistic style reflects the myriad influences of his native Vietnam. The vibrancy of the foreground is a melding of the colorful palette of Vietnamese cultural heritage with the influence of Modern Art from the Indochina School. The somber, muted tones of the backgrounds are inspired by his childhood experiences of the aftermath of war. The loosely defined representational elements symbolize the natural elements that have significance to the Vietnamese people.

A central theme in TNT’s work is the idea of looking beyond the obvious for that which is perceptible but not apparent. At first viewing, his art may seem entirely abstract. Upon further viewing, the representational elements manifest but retain sufficient diffuseness that each viewer experiences those elements differently.

Numerous exhibitions of his work, both group and solo, have been conducted in Vietnam, France, Singapore, Japan and the United States.

The artist chooses to remain anonymous, using the moniker TNT, in order to preserve a simple lifestyle that allows him to dedicate himself entirely to his art without the distracting influences of notoriety.



Cristiam Ramos


Ted Demolski